About us

The iTeraCare/Prife Stockist for Germany is a service provider to Prife International. The Stockist hold a stock of the Prife products available in the EU and whenever an EU-customer buys a product from Prife, they can choose to have it sent from the Germany Stockist warehouse – or pick it up from one of the Germany Stockist locations. You can think of the German Stockist as a fulfilment agency with extra Customer Service.

In the shop on this site you can find a range of Product Vouchers (PINs) which you can use with Prife International. Any unused voucher (not yet transferred into a membership registration with Prife International) is fully refundable. Please contact us immediately for a refund.

Oliver Silverhøj is the head of the Germany Stockist operation and he is passionate about bringing these wonderful products out. After witnessing his wife transformation in the autumn of 2022 from being on sick leave for years and looking at possibly having to receive early retirement benefits into a full recovery within weeks after getting the iTeraCare, he had to test it himself (yes, he admits to being a bit skeptic to new stuff and needing to know the details and the science just like many other engineers). “The wellbeing I experienced was remarkable and within days my annual winter depressed mood had ‘coincidentally’ vanished. People started asking us about these products and since everybody was anxious to get the product into their home ASAP, I could feel a calling to support this with a swift and reliable service” – says Oliver.

The Germany Stockist has agreed to this website being published and administered by Life Inspired Vitality ApS, DK CVR nr: 43721364